2017年6月13日 星期二

Final Examination Revision Exercise II (Answers)

Kowloon Tong School (Secondary Section)
F. 2 Integrated Science
Final Examination Revision Exercise II (Answers)

Multiple Choice Questions
1.        C  
2.        B  
3.        D  
4.        C  
5.        A  
6.        B  
7.        C  
8.        A  
9.        A  
10.      A  
11.          D    
12.           D    
13.           B    

Fill in the Blanks
1.       (a)              receptors         
          (b)             chemicals         
          (c)              signals           
2.       (a)              larger            
          (b)              light             
3.       (a)              dim              
          (b)              bright            
4.   (a)                          thicker                        
      (b)                       short sight                     
5.   (a)                         concave                       
   (b)                          convex                        

6.                               heredity                       


(b)  The size of the pupil in his eyes may change because the brightness of his room and the
      fire of the building may be different.                                                                                 
(a)  (i)     Lens                                                                                                                       
      (ii)     Retina                                                                                                                   
(b)  Inverted and smaller than the object                                                                                  
(c)  It is because the image distance represents the distance between the lens and the           
      retina in the eyes, and such distance does not change during focusing.                            
(d) When watching a near object, the lens becomes thicker; when watching a distant           
      object, the lens becomes thinner.                                                                                        

(e)  Convex lens. Long sight.                                                                                                     

Final Examination Coverage and Revision Exercise Answers

Part A: Fill in the blanks / Fill in the tables
1.     start
2.     direction
3.     speed
4.     spring balance
5.     newton
6.     Contact
7.     Non-contact
8.     Friction
9.     opposes
10.     contacting
11.     resistance
12.     cushion
13.     lubricant
14.     rollers
15.     bearings
16.     streamlined
17.     gravity
18.     pulling
19.     non-contact
20.     weight
21.     matters
22.     newton
23.     Acids
24.     Alkalis
25.     soapy
26.     Hydrochloric
27.     Sodium hydroxide
28.     Corrosive
29.     indicator
30.     natural
31.     Litmus      31. Red
32.     Red
33.     Blue
34.     Blue
35.     neutral                35. alkaline
36.     Universal indicator
37.     degree
38.     pH paper
39.     pH value
40.     pH scale
41.     hydrogen
42.     corrosive
43.     ‘pop’
44.     calcium carbonate  
45.     carbon dioxide
46.     lime water
47.     Acid rain
48.     sulphur dioxide
49.     nitrogen oxides
50.     power station
51.     corrode
52.     photosynthesis
53.     solar / nuclear / water
54.     catalytic converters
55.     stimuli
56.     sense organs
57.     eye
58.     sight
59.     sound
60.     chemicals in air
61.     smell
62.     tongue
63.     skin
64.     lens
65.     image
66.     pupil
68. small
69. large
70. light receptors
71. cones
72. rods
73. instruments
74. close
75. telescope
76. small
77. microscope
78. blind spot
79. short sight
80. long sight
81. distant
82. near
83. thick
84. short
85. concave
86. cataract
87. colour-blindness
88. cloudy
89. cones
90. artificial

Part B: Label the diagrams

Cornea                                     Retina
Iris                                              White protective coat
Pupil                                           Yellow spot
Lens                                           Blind spot
                                                Optic nerve

Workbook Answers: Ch11

Sectional Exercise
Section 11.1
A. Concept checking p.61
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True

B. Questions p.61
1. (a) sight; eyes
(b) hearing; ears
(c) heat; skin
(d) smell; nose
(e) taste; tongue
(f) touch; skin
2. (a) Eyes, tongue or nose
(b) Nose or skin
(c) Tongue
(d) Skin
(e) Ears
(f) Nose or tongue

Section 11.2
A. Concept checking p.62
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False

B. Multiple choice p.63
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D

C. Matching p.64
(a) i, iv
(b) ii, iii
(c) ii, iv
(d) i, iii

D. Questions p.65
1. (a) A : cornea B : iris
D : pupil E : lens
G : retina H : yellow spot
I : blind spot J : optic nerve
(b) (i) A, C , E and F
(ii) G
(iii) E
(c) It protects the eyeball and gives it shape.
2. (a) R
(b) Q
(c) P, R and S

Section 11.3
A. Concept checking p.67
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True

B. Matching p.67
(a) Telescope; i, iv
(b) Binoculars; i
(c) Hand lens; ii
(d) Light microscope; iii

Section 11.4
A. Multiple choice p.68
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. D

B. Fill in the blanks p.70
(a) (i) near
(ii) thin
(iii) short
(iv) convex
(b) (i) certain colours
(ii) cones
(c) (i) cataracts
(ii) artificial lens
(d) (i) distant
(ii) thick
(iii) long
(iv) concave

Integrated Exercise
A. Multiple choice p.84
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. C

B. Fill in the blanks p.90
1. (a) sight
(b) light receptors
(c) retina
(d) optic nerve
(e) blind spot
C. Questions p.91
1. (a) Stimulus/stimuli: Temperature of water
Sense organ(s): Skin
Sense(s): Heat and cold
(b) Stimulus/stimuli: Chemicals / citric acid / lemon juice in the drink
Sense organ(s): Tongue
Sense(s): Taste
(c) Stimulus/stimuli: Chemicals / LPG / town gas in air
Sense organ(s): Nose
Sense(s): Smell
(d) Stimulus/stimuli: Light and sound / thunder and lightning
Sense organ(s): Eyes and ears
Sense(s): Sight and hearing

2. (a) P : lens; Q : cornea; R : iris; S : optic nerve
(b) (i) P , Q and T
(ii) This allows light to pass through.
(c) Retina. It contains light receptors that can detect light and send signals to the brain.
(d) (i) This point is called the blind spot.
(ii) No, we cannot see the object. The reason is that there are no light receptors on 
                        the blind spot, no signals are produced when the light from an object is focused on it.

Quick Review
A. Sensing the environment p.97
(a) stimuli
(b) receptors
(c) brain
(d) senses
(e) responses

B. Our senses p.97
(b) (i) sound receptors
(ii) cochlea
(c) (i) smell receptors
(ii) nose
(d) (i) taste receptors
(ii) taste bud
(e) skin

Workbook Answers: Ch10 Quick Review

Quick Review
A. The pH scale p.54
(a) hydrochloric acid
(b) orange juice
(c) distilled water
(d) glass cleaner
(e) sodium hydroxide
(f) acidity
(g) neutral
(h) alkalinity

B. Reactions of acids with various substances p.54
(a) (i) iron
(ii) zinc
(iii) magnesium
(iv) Hydrogen
(v) warm
(vi) heat

(b) (i) marble
(ii) limestone
(iii) Carbon dioxide

C. Causes and effects of acid rain p.56
(a) sulphur dioxide
(b) nitrogen oxides
(c) acids
(d) rivers
(e) lakes
(f) acidic
(g) corrode

Workbook Answers: Ch10 Integrated Exercise

Integrated Exercise
A. Concept checking p.45
1. True
2. False
3. True
8. False
9. True
10. False

B. Multiple choice p.45
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
7. A
8. D

C. Questions p.48
1. (a) Solution A: vinegar
Solution B: rainwater
Solution C: soap solution
Solution D: lime water
(b) Its pH value may be between 8.8 and 12.3.

2. (a) Indicators P and T
(b) Indicators Q and R are blue in ammonia.
(c) Indicator Q is yellow in both acids. Indicator S is colourless in both acids.
(d) Indicator P is yellow in ethanoic acid and in sodium hydroxide.
(e) Indicator P is red in a solution with a pH value equal to or less than 2. Indicator T is yellow
                in a solution with a pH value in between 2 and 8. If a solution looks red after adding
                indicator P and yellow after adding indicator T, it means that the solution has a pH value
                of about 2.

3. (a) Red
(b) Concentrated hydrochloric acid gives off an acidic vapour. The acidic vapour dissolves in
                the water in the moist blue litmus paper and turns the litmus paper red.

4. (a) Colourless gas bubbles are given out.
(b) (i) The lime water turns milky.
(ii) The gas released in the reaction is carbon dioxide.
(c) Marble / calcium carbonate / other carbonates

2017年6月12日 星期一

F2 IS 2nd Term EXP Answers


F2 IS 2nd Term WS13 11.3 & 4 Answers


F2 IS 2nd Term WS12 11.2-II Answers


F2 IS 2nd Term QZ 09: 11.1 anwers


Word Translation (10 marks)
i    Write down the English terms of the following Chinese terms:

Chinese term
English term
探測 / 感應
Sense organ

Multiple Choice (5 marks)
Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
1.       To living things, a change in the surroundings is called a __________________ .
A.   sense                        B.    stimulus                  C.    response                         D.    sense organ

2.     Which of the following descriptions about sense organs are correct?
(I)       Sense organs contain receptors.
(II)      Sense organs can produce senses.
(III)    Sense organs can produce signals.
A. (I) and (II) only         B. (I) and (III) only                C. (II) and (III) only       D. (I), (II) and (III)

3.     Which of the following is NOT a stimulus concerned with air that can be detected by humans?
        A.    temperature of air                                    B.    movement of air
        C.    vibration of air                                         D.    oxygen concentration of air

4.     Which of the following is important for living things to survive?
        (I) find mates                          (II) find shelters                      (III) escape from dangers
 A. (I) and (II) only        B. (I) and (III) only             C. (II) and (III) only      D. (I), (II) and (III)

5.       Which of the following is/are a sense organ(s)?
          (I)   Skin                                 (II)   Brain                               (III) Tongue
          A.   (I) only                    B.    (II) only                   C.   (III) only                 D.    (I) and (III) only

Fill in the Blanks (20 marks)
1        Changes in the environment are called (1) stiumli. Living things can
(2) detect and (3) respond to them.
2        By responding to stimuli, living things can find (4) food / shelter / mate and escape from dangers.
3        We have five different (5) sense organs. For example,
l   eye detects (6) light and produces sense of (7) sight;
l   ear detects (8) sound and produces sense of (9) hearing;
l   nose detects (10) chemicals in air and produces sense of (11) smell;
l   (12) Tonge detects chemicals in food and produces sense of (13) taste;
l   (14) Skin detects things in contact with the skin and produce sense of heat, cold, touch, pain and pressure.
4        Different sense organs contain special kinds of cells called (15) receptors
which are (16) sensitive to particular kinds of stimuli. They detect stimuli and
send signals to our (17) brain through (18) nerve.
5        The brain (19) interprets signals and gives us (20) senses.

Challenging Questions (Bonus 2 marks)
1.      A person has normal eyes but cannot see well. Why?

Even the eye is normal, the person still cannot see well if his nerve and brain related to the sight has damage.