2017年3月30日 星期四

F2 IS 2nd Term QZ 04: 9.4B anwers

Word Translation (6 marks)
i    Write down the English terms of the following Chinese terms:

Chinese term
English term
Action-reaction pair

Multiple Choice (4 marks)
Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
1.     Which of the following statements about an action-reaction pair is INCORRECT?
A.   They are equal to each other.                  B.    They are in opposite directions.
C.   They act on two different objects.          D.    They occur one after another.

2.     The upward force on a rocket during its launch is caused by ___________________ .
A.   the hot gas ejected downwards from the rocket   
B.   the weight of the rocket
C.   the gravity of the Earth acting on the rocket         
D.   the gravity of the Moon acting on the rocket

3.     Which of the following statements concerning the balloon rocket shown below is correct?
A.    The air outside pushes the balloon to the left.
B.    The air inside pushes the balloon to the left. Then the balloon pushes the air out.
C.    The balloon pushes the air out. Then the air inside pushes the balloon to the left.
D.    The air inside the balloon and the balloon push each other in opposite directions at the same time.

4.    Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the forces acting on a space shuttle during lift off?


Fill in the Blanks (10 marks)
1        When an object exerts a force on another object, it experiences an (1)equal
force in the (2)opposite direction at the same time. These two forces
are called an (3)action-reaction pair.
2        During a rocket (4)launch, a large amount of hot gas is (5)ejected downwards from the rocket. The hot gas produces an equal force that pushes the rocket (6)upwards and (7)overcome the force of gravity acting on the rocket by the Earth.
3      During the launch of a water rocket, the water is ejected (8)downwars from the water rocket. The ejected water produce an (9)equal force that (10)pushes the water rocket upwards and overcome the force of gravity acting on it by the Earth.

Challenging Questions (Bonus 2 marks)

The following diagram shows that Doraemon is flying. Use arrows to represent the action-reaction pair that causes him to fly. Use different colours to represent the forces and label the forces respectively.

2017年3月29日 星期三

F2 IS 2nd Term WS06 10.2 Answers

10.2    Acids and alkalis in the laboratory
i      Words to know:

English term
Write the words again
Chinese term
Sulphuric acid

Nitric acid

Calcium hydroxide

Ammonia solution



Safety precautions

Emergency treatments


i      Fill in the blanks:
1             Acids and alkalis are commonly used chemicals in the laboratory. Below are some common examples:
Common acids in the laboratory
Common alkalis in the laboratory
l   Hydrochloric acid
l   Sulphuric / Nitric acid
l   Nitric / Sulphuric acid
l   Sodium hydroxide solution
l   potassium hydroxide solution
l   Calcium hydroxide solution
l   Ammonia solution
2             Many acids and alkalis are either corrosive or irritant. Below are their hazard warning labels:
3             We should follow the safety precautions below when handling acids and alkalis in the laboratory.
1.       Wear safety goggles and gloves.
2.       DO NOT use too much acids or alkalis at a time.
3.       DO NOT pour chemical waste containing acids or alkalis into the sink. Pour it into the waste bottle.
4        Emergency treatments for spillage of acids and alkalis on skin or into eyes:
l   Wash the affected area under slow running water for at least 10 minutes.
l   Wash the affected eye:
n   using an eye-wash bottle,
n   under slow running water, or
with a bottle of distilled water.

F2 IS 2nd Term QZ 03: 9.3 anwers

2nd Term QZ 03
Submission date_____________
Class & no.2 _________(     )

Word Translation (8 marks)
i    Write down the English terms of the following Chinese terms:

Chinese term
English term
Celestial bodies
施加 (……)
Exerted (…on…)
Force of gravity
Pull / pulling

Multiple Choice (5 marks)
Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
1.       Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(1)  No force of gravity acts on an object when it rests on a desk.
(2)  An artificial satellite can move around the Earth even though it has no engine.
(3)  Raindrops fall down due to gravity.
A.   (1) only                    B.    (3) only            C.    (1) and (2) only               D.    (2) and (3) only

2.       Which of the following instruments can be used to measure the force of gravity acting on an object?
(1)  Electronic balance           (2)    Spring balance         (3)    Bathroom scale
A.   (1) and (2) only       B.    (1) and (3) only       C.    (2) and (3) only       D.    (1), (2) and (3)

3.     Andrew’s weight is 600 N on the Earth. Estimate his weight on the Moon.
A.   0 N                          B.    100 N                      C.    600 N                      D.    3600 N

4.       Which of the following statements about weight is/are correct?
(1)  Weight is a kind of force.
(2)  The weight of an object depends only on the amount of matter the object contains.
(3)  An object falls down because of its weight.
A.   (1) only                    B.    (1) and (2) only       C.    (1) and (3) only      D.   (2) and (3) only

5.       Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(1)  Every object has the same mass on the Earth and on the Moon.
(2)  Every object has different weights on the Earth and on the Moon respectively.
(3)  The mass of an object is the force of gravity acting on it.
A.   (1) only                    B.    (3) only            C.    (1) and (2) only      D.   (2) and (3) only

Fill in the Blanks (13 marks)
1      The Earth exerts a (1)pulling force on every object on or around it.
This force is called (2)force of gravity. It pulls objects towards the (3)centre of the Earth.
2      The (4)weight of an object on the Earth is the force of gravity exerted by the Earth on the object. It can be different when it is measured on different (5)celestial bodies. Its unit is (6)newton.
3      The (7)mass of an object is the amount of matter it contains. It is (8)the same in all places. Its unit is grams (g).
4      A 50 kg boy is weighing himself on planet X and the reading is 200N. His mass on planet X is
(9)50 kg and is (10)50 kg on the Earth. The force of gravity exerted by planet X on him is (11)200N. The force of gravity of planet X is (12)smaller (larger/smaller) than that of the Earth. His weight on planet X is (13)smaller than his weight on the Earth.
        (Hint: 1kg = 10N on the Earth)

Writing Skill (3 marks)
1.      The Earth exerts a force of gravity on every object on or around it. The force pulls the objects towards the centre of the Earth.
2.      The Moon exerts a force of gravity on every object on or around it.
The force pulls the objects towards the centre of the moon.

Challenging Questions (Bonus 2 marks)
Goku is training himself in planet Y, of which the force of gravity is 100 times of that of the Earth. Describe Goku’s feeling in planet Y.

Goku will feel very heavy as the force of gravity in planet Y is 100 times of that of the Earth.