2014年10月30日 星期四

Experiment WS 4: 7.3A & B

Kowloon Tong School (Secondary Section)
F.2 Integrated Science
Experiment Worksheets 4

Name: _________________ (    )                                                               Date: __________________
Class: 2 _______

Experiment 7.3A, B: Comparing the energy contents能量值 of different snacks? (P.27 - 30)
Objective: To compare the energy contents of cookies and peanuts.

Design of Experiment: (P.29)
Consider of “3Cs” of a fair test公平測試
n   Variable to be changed: type of snack
n   Variable(s) to be kept constant保持不變: (Put a “Ö” in the appropriate boxes.)

Weight of food
Volume of water

Size of food pieces
Type of boiling tube

Type of food
Type of burning spoon
Initial temperature of water

Others: position and distance of burning food from the boiling tube

        of water

n   What to compare: increase in water temperature per gram of snack used

Results: (P.30)
Weight of snack used (g)
Initial water temperature (oC)
Highest water temperature reached in burning (oC)
Increase in water temperature* (oC)
Increase in temperature per gram of snack used# (oC g-1)


*Increase in water temperature = Highest water temperature reached – Initial water temperature
#Increase in temperature per gram of snack used =

Discussion: (P.30)
How can you compare the energy contents of the snacks according to you results?
According to the results, the greater (greater / smaller) the increase in water temperature per gram of snack burnt, the higher the energy content of the snack.

Conclusion: (P.30)
The energy contents of peanut is higher / lower (depends on results) than that of cookies.

