2016年5月21日 星期六

F2 IS 2nd Term WS09 Answers

10.5    Acid rain
i      Words to know:

English term
Write the words again
Chinese term
Acid rain


Sulphur / Sulphur dioxide

/ 二氧化硫
Nitrogen oxides


Power station




Catalytic converter


i      Fill in the blanks:
Acid rain
l  Clean or unpolluted rainwater is slightly acidic with a pH value of about 5.6.
         When the pH value of rainwater drops below 5.6, it is regarded as acid rain.
Causes of acid rain
l  Acid rain is mainly caused by acidic pollutant gases like Sulphur dioxide
and nitrogen oxides. They are released from traditional power station, factories and motor vehicles.
l  The acidic pollutant gases dissolve in tiny water droplets in the air to form acids. The acidic

         water droplets gather together to form clouds, and finally fall as acid rain.

l  The two main sources of acidic pollutant gases are:
(a)        Traditional power stations and factories
Ø  When coals and fuels obtained from petroleum are burnt in traditional power stations and factories, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released.
(b)       Motor vehicles
Ø  When fuels are burnt in the engines of motor vehicles, Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released.
Environmental effects of acid rain
1           Corroding buildings and structures
l   Acids have corrosive effects on some metals and building materials.
l   Acid rain can gradually corrode building materials and structures made of metal / limestone, marble and limestone / metal.
2           Killing water life
l   Acid rain makes the water in lakes and rivers so acidic that fish and plant cannot survive.
l   Many fish and plants die if the pH value of water drops below 5.
3           Damaging plants
l   Acid rain makes soil too acidic and thus affects plant growth.
l   Acid rain also damage leaves and make plants unable to carry out photosynthesis.
Preventive measures against acid rain
l  Some major ways to reduce the emission (排放) of Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides:
Ø   saving energy so that less coals and fuels obtained from petroleum are burnt;
Ø   using alternative energy sources like solar / nuclear / water power and wind power;
Ø   using high-grade fuels with a low sulphur content;
Ø   reducing pollutants from the exhaust gas of motor vehicles by using catalytic converter.

i      Concept checking:
Decide whether the following statements are true or not and try to rewrite the correct statements.
1.       Unpolluted rainwater is neutral.                                                                                                                       True / False
Unpolluted rainwater is slightly acidic
2.       Rainwater with a pH value below 7 is regarded as acid rain.                                         True / False
Rainwater with a pH value lower than 5.6 is regarded as acid rain.
3.       Carbon dioxide is the major gas that causes acid rain.                                                   True / False
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the major gases that cause acid rain.
4.       The main sources of pollutant gases that cause acid rain are traditional power stations,     True / False
factories and motor vehicles.                                                                                  
5.       Solar power, wind power and nuclear power are alternative energy sources which can  reduce the emission of acidic pollutant gases.                                                                                   True / False


