2016年9月15日 星期四

F2 1st term WS 00 answers

1st Term WS 00
Submission date_____________
Class & no.2 _________(     )
Laboratory Safety Rules 實驗室安全守則
A      What should we do in a laboratory?
Complete the “Dos” part of the rules with the following words:

1.     instructions
2.     safety goggles
3.     accidents
4.     long hair
5.     fire escape route
6.     clean and tidy
7.     hands

B      What should we not do in a laboratory?
        Discuss with your partner and complete the “Don’ts” part of the rules.
        You may put down more than one word in each blank.

1.     is not in the laboratory
2.     eat and drink
3.     play
4.     solid wastes
5.     test tube

6.     experiment 

