2015年6月14日 星期日

Ch10 Chapter Exercise Answers

Chapter exercise                                                                                                                p.128
Concept Checking
1.     False
Acid-alkali (àpH paper / Universal) indicators can be used to show the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
3.     True
5.     False
        Unpolluted rainwater is neutral (àslightly acidic).
6.     True

Multiple Choice
7.     B
8.     D
9.     B
10.   D

Short-answer Questions
12.   (a)    Marigold and choi sum. They do not show different colours in acids and alkalis.
        (b)    Yellow
        (c)    Pink

13.   (a)    Magnesium / zinc / iron (Any one)
        (b)    Hydrogen
        (c)    Test the gas with a burning splint. If the gas burns with a ‘pop’ sound, it is hydrogen.

        (d)   There would be no reaction.

