2016年12月30日 星期五

F2 Ch7 Revision Exercise Rev 01


F2 1st term SE 02 answers

1st Term SE 02
Submission date_____________
Class & no.2 _________(     )
7.1 AB Composition of air II
i      Concept Checking
         Decide whether the following statements are true or false, and try to rewrite the true statements.                                                                                                                                           (10 marks)
1       A glowing splint relights when it is put into a tube of carbon dioxide.                                True / False
A glowing splint relights when it is put into a tube of oxygen.
/ A glowing splint goes out when it is put into a tube of carbon dioxide.
2        We can use hydrogencarbonate indicator to absorb carbon dioxide.                                  True / False
We can use hydrogencarbonate indicator to test for carbon dioxide.
3        Cobalt chloride paper is used to test for the presence of water.                                       True / False
4        Breathed air contains more oxygen than nitrogen.                                                           True / False
Breathed air contains more nitrogen than oxygen.
/ Breathed air contains less oxygen than nitrogen.
5        The carbon dioxide content of breathed air is higher than that of unbreathed air.              True / False

i      Short Questions
1       To test for the presence of water, we should handle dry cobalt chloride papers with a pair of forceps instead of hands. Why?                                                                                                        (2 marks)
This prevents the moisture on hands from turning the cobalt chloride papers from blue to pink (1), interfering the experimental results (1).

2       If dry cobalt chloride paper is exposed in air for a long time, its colour changes. Name the substance that causes this colour change.        The water vapour in air.                            (1 mark)

3       What indicator can we use to detect the content of carbon dioxide?                                 (1 mark)

Hydrogencarbonate indicator / Lime water

2      A student has mistakenly mixed up 4 test tubes of gases, which were unlabeled.         In order to find out what these gases were, he carried out several tests and the results are shown below.                                            

Glowing splint
Lime water
Hydrogencarbonate indicator solution
Test tube 1
the splint relights
remains clear
remains red
Test tube 2
the splint goes out
turns milky
turns yellow
Test tube 3
the splint goes out
remains clear
remains red
Test tube 4
the splint goes out
not carried out
turns yellow

(a)      Identify the gases in the four test tubes.                                                                        (4 marks)
Test tube 1
Test tube 2
Carbon dioxide
Test tube 3
Test tube 4
Carbon dioxide

(b)      Suggest TWO uses of the gas in test tube 2.                                                                 (2 marks)
To make dry ice (1); To make fire extinguisher (1).

(c)       (i)      With reference to the above test results, which gas is the most unreactive? Explain.  (2 marks)
The gas in test tube 3 (nitrogen) is the most unreactive among the three gases (1), as it shows no reaction to any of the above tests (1).
(ii)     Suggest ONE use of the gas in (i).                                                                       (1 mark)
To fill food package to extend the shelf life. (1)

(d)      What will be the result if the gas in test tube 4 is tested with lime water?                      (1 mark)
The lime water turns milky (1).

F2 IS First Term Revision Exercise Ans

Kowloon Tong School (Secondary Section)
F. 2 Integrated Science
First Term Examination Coverage and Revision Exercise

Name: _______________________(    )                                    Class: Form 2 _____________      

Exam Coverage

7.1 What is air made of? (P.3 - 15)
Experiment 7.1A – E
P.1 - 25
WS01 –WS11
7.2 Burning (P.16 - 23)
Experiment 7.2A - B
7.3 How does our body obtain energy? (P.26 - 34)
Experiment 7.3A - B
7.4 How do green plants obtain energy? (P.34 - 47)
Experiment 7.4A - D
7.5 Gaseous exchange between living things and the environment (P.47 - 56)
Experiment 7.5A - B
7.6 Breathing and breathing system in humans (P.57 - 65)
8.1 Making electricity flow (P.96 - 99)
Experiment 8.1A - C
P.51 – 57(3.c)
8.2 Electric current (P.100 - 106)
Experiment 8.2
8.3 Voltage (P.107 - 113)
Experiment 8.3A - B

Multiple Choice Questions
1.        C  
2.          A  
3.        B  
4.        B  
5.        B  
6.        D  
7.        D  
8.          A  
9.        D  
10.      C  
11.      D  

Fill in the Blanks
1.             glowing         
2.   (a)           fuel         
      (b)         oxygen         
      (c)  a sufficiently high temperature  (Any order)
3.   (a)           brown         
      (b)          dark blue        
4.   (a)           faster         
      (b)       carbon dioxide      
      (c)          oxygen         
5.             air sacs         

Short Question
(a)  Process X: photosynthesis                                                 
(b)  A: light energy  B: carbon dioxide  C: oxygen  D: water                      
(c)  Leaf has chlorophyll which can absorb the light energy (A) from the Sun.           

Long Question
(a)  Respiration                                                             
      Food + Oxygen à Carbon dioxide  + Water + Energy              
(b)  (i)    Intercostal muscles, ribs and diaphragm                                  
      (ii)   During breathing in, the intercostal muscles contracts, causing the ribs to move   
             upwards and outwards; at the same time, the diaphragm move downwards. Hence,
             the volume inside the chest increases, the gas pressure inside the chest decreases,  

             thus air is drawn into the lungs.                                          

2016年12月23日 星期五

F2 1st Term Exam Revision Exercise

Please download the exercise from the following link:



Good lunck!

2016年12月18日 星期日

F2 1st Term IS WS 13 Answers

1st Term WS 13
Submission date_____________
Class & no.2 _________(     )
8.1       Making electricity flow (P.93-99)

i      Words to know:

English term
Write the words again
Chinese term

Electrical energy

Dry cell

Closed circuit

Open circuit

Electrical conductors

Electrical insulators


Metal / Non-metal

金屬 / 非金屬


i      Matching:
Closed circuit
is a circuit which is incomplete.
Dry cell
stores chemical energy and is a source of electrical energy.
Electrical conductors
allows electricity to pass through.
Electrical insulators
are materials that do not allow electricity to pass through.
Open circuit
is a circuit which is complete.
is a device which can be used to open or closed a circuit.

i      Fill in the blanks:
1          Conditions for electricity to flow:
Ø  Sources of electrical energy:
l Dry cell stores chemical energy which can be converted into electrical energy.
l Electrical energy can also be supplied from the power station to the appliance through the socket.
Ø  A path for electricity to flow through called circuit
l A circuit which is complete is called a closed circuit.
l A circuit which is incomplete is called an open circuit.
2       Materials that allow electricity to pass through are called electrical conductors.
          Materials that do not allow electricity to pass through are called electrical insulators.
3       Metals are electrical conductors while most non-metals are electrical insulators.
         Graphite is a non-metal but it conducts electricity.
4       A switch can be used to open or close a circuit.

i      Concept checking:
Decide whether the following statements are true or false, and try to rewrite the true statements.
1       If a circuit is open, an electric current can flow through it.                                      True / False
If a circuit is closed, an electric current can flow through it.
/ If a circuit is open, an electric current cannot flow through it.
2       Graphite is a non-metal, so it cannot conduct electricity.                                         True / False

Graphite is a non-metal, but it can conduct electricity.