2016年12月8日 星期四

Workbook Answers Ch7 Integrated Exercise

Integrated Exercise
A. Concept checking p.30
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False

B. Multiple choice p.30-34
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. B

C. Matching p.35
1. (a) ii, iii, v, vii
(b) i, iv, vi, viii

2. (a) iii, iv
(b) ii, v
(c) i, vi

D. Questions p.36-41

1. (a) (i) oxygen
(ii) Put a glowing splint into the test tube. If it relights, it shows that the gas is oxygen.
(iii) It is used to provide carbon dioxide for the water plant to carry out photosynthesis.

(b) (i) The rate of bubbling increase.
(ii) The rate of photosynthesis increases when the light intensity increases.

2. (a) (i) It remains colourless. It shows that no carbon dioxide is present in the air entering the bell jar.
(ii) It changes from red to yellow. It shows that the mouse releases carbon dioxide.

(b) Sodium hydroxide solution absorbs carbon dioxide from the incoming air. This ensures that the colour change of the indicator in flask C is due to carbon dioxide released from the mouse.

(c) (i) Place the set-up in the dark. (or other reasonable answers)
(ii) Without light, the plant cannot undergo photosynthesis. This ensures that the experimental result is due to respiration of the plant only. (or other reasonable answer)

3. (a) (i) Respiration: food + oxygen ==> carbon dioxide + water energy
(ii) light energy
Photosynthesis: carbon dioxide +water ==========> food +oxygen
(b) (i) The rate of net oxygen absorption will be negative.
(ii) The rate of net oxygen absorption will be positive.

(c) (i) From 0600 to 1800
(ii) From 1800 to 2400 and 0000 to 0600

E 4. (a) (i) B to C, D to E
(ii) N to P, R to T

(b) The chest volume decreases while the gas pressure inside the chest increases.

(c) (i) The intercostal muscles relax, causing the ribs move downwards and inwards. Hence, the volume inside the chest decreases.
(ii) The diagram moves upwards, thus the volume inside the chest decreases.

