2016年12月8日 星期四

F2 IS QZ 06 anwers

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1st Term QZ 06
Submission date_____________
Class & no.2 _________(     )
Word Translation (4 marks)
i    Write down the English terms of the following Chinese terms:

Chinese term
English term
Food chain
食物鏈 生產者

Fill in the Blanks (7 marks)
1      Green plants can make their own food by Photosynthesis. In this process, light energy is converted into chemical energy which is stored in food / starch.
2      Green plants are producers because they can make their own food and provide food for all animals either directly or indirectly. On the contrary, animals cannot make their food and must feed on plants or other animals, so they are called consumers.
3      The feeding relationships between plants and animals can be shown by food chain.

Multiple Choice (4 marks)
Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
1.     Which of the following is a word equation for photosynthesis?
A.   Oxygen + Carbon dioxide à Water + Starch
B.   Water + Oxygen à Carbon dioxide + Starch
C.   Starch + Water à Oxygen + Carbon dioxide
D.   Carbon dioxide + Water à Starch + Oxygen

2.     What is the main way that green plants obtains water?
A.   The leaves absorb the water vapour in air.
B.   The roots absorb water from the soil.
C.   The leaves absorb the water from water droplets on the leaf surfaces.
D.   The roots absorb the water vapour present among soil particles.

Directions: The following diagram shows the set-up of an experiment on photosynthesis. Refer to the diagram and answer questions 3 and 4.
3.       What is the use of the sodium hydrogencarbonate solution?
A.   To absorb the carbon dioxide in water
B.   To provide carbon dioxide for the water plant
C.   To provide oxygen for the water plant
D.   To absorb light from the lamp

4.      Gas X can ____________________ .
A.   turn cobalt chloride paper from blue to pink
B.   turn lime water milky
C.   relight a glowing splint
D.   turn hydrogencarbonate indicator red
Short Questions (6 marks)
The following shows a food chain.
        P à Q à R à hawk
(a)    What is the role of P in the food chain? Suggest an example of P.                                  (2 marks)
P is a producer. It may be grass.
(b)   What are the roles of Q, R and hawk in the food chain? Suggest an example of Q.       (2 marks)
They are consumers. Q may be a rabbit (or any other animals which feed on green plants.)
(c)    Suggest ONE difference between the roles of Q and R.                                         (Bonus: 2 marks)
Q feed on green plants but R feed on other animals.
(d)   What is the importance of photosynthesis to the environment?                                       (2 marks)

Photosynthesis produce food for all living things directly or indirectly. Also, it balances the contents of oxygen and carbon dioxide in atmosphere.

