2017年5月6日 星期六

F2 IS 2nd Term WS08 10.4 Answers

2nd Term WS 08
Submission date_____________
Class & no.2 _________(     )
10.4    Acids and corrosion
i    Words to know:

English term
Write the words again
Chinese term
Corrode (vb)

腐蝕 (動詞)
Corrosion (n)

腐蝕 (名詞)
Corrosive (adj)

腐蝕性的 (形容詞)
‘Pop’ sound




Calcium carbonate


i    Fill in the blanks:
1      Some metals (e.g. zinc and magnesium) react with dilute acids. During the reactions,
       hydrogen gas and heat are produced. The metals decrease in size gradually.
       Thus acids have corrosive effects on these metals.

2      To test for hydrogen, a burning splint is put near the mouth of the test tube containing the gas.
       It burns with a ‘pop’ sound if the gas is hydrogen.
3       The reactivity of the metals (zinc, magnesium, copper and iron) with acid in descending order is:
Magnesium > zinc > iron > copper
4       Dilute acids react with calcium carbonate to give off carbon dioxide.
5       Some building materials such as marble and limestone contain calcium carbonate.
       They are easily corroded by acids. The reaction gives out carbon dioxide

       which turns limewater milky.

Hydrogen   burning splint
                    'pop' sound
Calcium carbonate       milky

i    Multiple Choice: Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.
1.       When zinc beads are added to dilute hydrochloric acid, gas bubbles are given out.
The gas can
A.   relight a glowing splint.
B.   turn hydrogencarbonate indicator yellow.
C.   give a ‘pop’ sound with a burning splint.
D.   turn lime water milky.

2.       Which of the following metals react(s) with dilute acids?
(I)   Zinc                                 (II)    Magnesium                             (III)   Copper
A.   (I) only             B.     (I) and (II) only               C.     (II) and (III) only         D.     (I), (II) and (III)

3.       Which of the following metals reacts the most vigorously with dilute hydrochloric acid?
A.   Zinc                         B.     Magnesium                    C.     Copper                    D.     Iron

4.       Which of the following is the gas given off when limestone pieces are added to dilute hydrochloric acid?
A.   Hydrogen                                               
B.   Oxygen
C.   Chlorine
D.   Carbon dioxide

i     Concept checking: Decide whether the following statements are true or false, and try to rewrite the true statements.
1      Metal saucepans should not be used to cook ‘pork trotters in vinegar sauce’.             True / False
2      Hydrogen gas will be given off when marble pieces are added into dilute                  True / False
hydrochloric acid.                                                                                                          
Carbon dioxide will be given off when marble pieces are added into dilute hydrochloric acid /
Hydrogen gas will be given off when metals (magnesium or zinc) are added into dilute hydrochloric acid
3      Heat is produced when a copper strip is put in dilute hydrochloric acid.                     True / False
Heat is produced when a magnesium / zince strip is put in dilute hydrochloric acid
4      Zinc decreases in size gradually in a dilute acid, but limestone does not.                    True / False
Both zinc and limestone decrease in size gradually in a dilute acid
5      When a piece of eggshell is immersed in vinegar, the gas produced can turn lime    True / False
water milky.                                                                                                                   

i    Skill development – Different forms of words: Fill in the blanks with the following words.
corrosion                corrosive                corrode           corroded
1.      Acids can corrode some metals.
2.      Acids have corrosive effect on some metals.
3.      Some metals are corroded by acids.
4.      Acids can cause corrosion of some metals.

